A police dispatch rider known as Mustapha Mohammed has been killed by a tipper truck while trying to arrest a car with a DV plate on Pokuase road at 10 pm
The dispatch rider believed to be Opong Nkrumah’s rider was pursuing an unlicensed vehicle at the said hour when driving from Pokuase.
The deceased was hit by the Toyota Corolla with a DV number plate on the ground, unfortunately, a speeding tipper car from afar walked on the head of the Police officer who had fallen on the road and mashed his head in the helmet.
The Toyota driver drove away without attending to the incident, likewise the tipper truck driver who out of fear ran from the scene leaving his mate who tendered in to the police.
The body of the killed police has been carried to a hospital together with the mashed head.
The sad incident happened at 10 pm on Monday, 20th of March 2023, according to Angel FM’s reporter.